Skills 1

Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

1. 30 seconds of a slight shaking in Ha Noi - B. earthquake

2. A thick layer of ash covers Tonga - A. volcanic

Trả lời bởi HaNa
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

1 - d: violently - very strong

(mãnh liệt/ dữ dội – rất mạnh)

2 - e: tsunami - very large waves in the sea

(sóng thần – một con sóng rất lớn ở trên biển)

3 - a: missing - not yet found

(mất tích – chưa tìm thấy)

4 - b: trembling - slightly shaking

(rung lắc – lắc nhẹ)

5 - c: fear - the bad feeling you have when you are frightened

(nỗi sợ - cảm giác tồi tệ khi bạn cảm thấy sợ hãi.)

Trả lời bởi Quoc Tran Anh Le
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

Read the articles again and answer the questions.

1. Where and when did the eruption happen? 

A volcano in the South Pacific erupted violently last Saturday

2. What did the eruption cause?

The eruption also caused a tsunami which flooded properties in Tonga’s capital

3. What were the other effects of the eruption? 

It destroyed hundreds of homes on some small islands. More than twenty people on these islands are still missing.

4. How long did the buildings shake? 

The buidings shake for about 30 seconds.

5. What caused the shaking?

A strong earthquake in China caused this shaking.

Trả lời bởi Sunn
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (2)

1 What kind of natural disaster was it? - c. It was a serious flood.

2 When and where did it happen? - e. It happened in a village in Phu Yen last week.

3 What caused it? - a. Five days of heavy rain caused it.

4 What were its effects? - b. Many houses were flooded, two villagers died, and five others were missing.

5 How did people help the victims? - d. Rescue workers looked for the missing people, and volunteers gave food and drinks to the victims.

Trả lời bởi HaNa
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

Tham khảo

Five days of heavy rain caused a serious flood in a village in Phu Yen. The flood happened last week. Many houses were flooded, two villagers died, and five others were missing. Rescue workers looked for the missing people, and volunteers gave food and drinks to the victims.

Trả lời bởi Sunn