Listen and repeat. Notice how the syllable stress sometimes changes when the form of a word changes.
1. define definition 3. explore exploration
2. origin original 4. compose composition
Listen and repeat. Notice how the syllable stress sometimes changes when the form of a word changes.
1. define definition 3. explore exploration
2. origin original 4. compose composition
Listen. Underline the stressed syllable in each word.
1. invite invitation
2. combine combination
3. educate education
4. modify modification
5. simplify simplicity
6. supervise supervision
1. invite invitation
2. combine combination
3. educate education
4. modify modification
5. simplify simplicity
6. supervise supervision
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Quốc ĐạtWork with a partner. Take turns to read the words in B.