Read the article. What is the problem Boyan Slat is trying to solve? What is his solution?
There are very few people who come up with a world- changing idea during their lifetime - but to come up with it while you are still a student is even more unusual. But that is exactly what Dutch teenager Boyan Slat has done. Environmental Impact magazine interviewed him.
EIM: What is the problem that you identified?
BS: Every year, millions of tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans, where the waves break it up into tiny pieces. This pollution kills millions of sea creatures every year.
EIM: Hasn't there been any action to stop it?
BS: Very little, even though campaigners have been calling for it for years.
EIM: And you've worked out a way to tackle the problem.
BS: Yes. My invention would float on the surface of the ocean and gradually clean it up by collecting around 20 billion tonnes of plastic from the water.
EIM: What would you do with all that plastic?
BS: Rather than throwing this away, it could be recycled and sold for about $500 million a year.
EIM: And how would your floating invention be powered?
BS: It would take energy from the waves and sun, so it would never run out of it!
- The problem that Boyan Slat is trying to solve is the issue of plastic pollution in the oceans, which kills millions of sea creatures every year.
(Vấn đề mà Boyan Slat đang cố gắng giải quyết là vấn đề ô nhiễm nhựa ở các đại dương, giết chết hàng triệu sinh vật biển mỗi năm.)
Thông tin: “Every year, millions of tonnes of plastic end up in the oceans, where the waves break it up into tiny pieces. This pollution kills millions of sea creatures every year.”
(Mỗi năm, hàng triệu tấn nhựa trôi ra đại dương, nơi những con sóng phá vỡ chúng thành những mảnh nhỏ. Sự ô nhiễm này giết chết hàng triệu sinh vật biển mỗi năm.)
- His solution is to create an invention that would float on the surface of the ocean and gradually clean up the plastic by collecting around 20 billion tonnes of it from the water.
(- Giải pháp của ông là tạo ra một phát minh có thể nổi trên bề mặt đại dương và dần dần làm sạch nhựa bằng cách thu gom khoảng 20 tỷ tấn nhựa từ nước.)
Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Quốc Đạt