When writing the assignment about Ethnic Groups, remember this is a culture study. You can enhance your writing with a bit of history if you are having trouble filling the pages.; and of course, more often than not history and culture overlap. However, you are searching about unique cultural traits, as well as pan-human cultural traits. (All humans have to eat, drink, and sleep.) Write the paper in paragraph and prose form. Do not enumerate each of the following separately. Discuss the groups as if you are informing the reader about traits he/she might need to know if they were to visit any of the groups you have studied.
Following is a video about an ethnic group, the Seto, of Russia. These people are an ethnic minority who are trying to preserve their culture. Some of the culture traits mentioned in this film are those that you may have recognized in a group that you decided to research for the assignment of writing about an ethnic group. Look for those pan-human traits, which are cultural universals, such as ways of cooking, making a living, making clothing, childcare, etc. Click on the link below to learn more about the Seto, who number fewer than 200 now, though they flourished in the 20th century.