There was an interesting analysis with respect to Singapore Education system conducted by Study Singapore Educational Consultancy. It is more than a decade, Singapore, along with vibrant South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Finland, has been at the top of international educational system which professionally measure children’s ability in fields like reading, Maths and quality science. One has to believe that it actually led to a considerable sense of achievement in country like Finland and East Asia with endless hand-wringing in the West.
According to Study Singapore Educational Consultancy the Singaporean teachers do some special things in classrooms bearing in mind that there are adequate differences among cogent classroom practices between as well as within the top educational performing countries. There are also some particular strengths of Singapore’s instructional regime which potentially assists to perform better. There are no particular limits or constraints for performing better as a unit.
No one argued still that is it right model for countries requesting to prepare students qualitatively for the complex demands of 21st century knowledge economies and institutional environments. According to Study Singapore Educational Consultancy Singapore’s teaching system are more flexible and transferable to other growing countries. It is so success that other countries should also adapt like them.
It is trusted that the qualitative instruction in Singapore is adeptly scripted and uniform across all levels with beneficial subjects. The teaching is widely coherent, fit-for-purpose and persuasive, scripted on a range of pedagogical traditions, both inclusive of Eastern and Western.
Moreover the teaching in Singapore mainly focuses on coverage of the prosperous curriculum, the vibrant transmission of factual and procedural knowledge. They also equip global students for end-of-semester and national high stakes challenging examinations.
It is also known that the teachers do rely heavily on textbooks, worksheets, worked examples with lots of drill and practice. It is strongly emphasized acumen mastery of particular procedures and the capability to represent problems clearly, specifically in field of mathematics. In addition the classroom talk is teacher-dominated and primarily avoids extended discussion.
According to Study Singapore Educational Consultancy the quality Singaporean teachers only make limited usage of high leverage or unusually effective teaching practices which are strongholds for benefit of global students. They also innovate with new concept of learning how to learn. For instance the teachers only make limited use of checking a student’s prior knowledge or actively communicating learning goals with achievement standards. The teachers also professionally monitor student learning and provide feedback with adequate learning support to students.