Bài 6. Câu lệnh điều kiện


viết chương trình in lịch lên màn hình trong pascal

18 tháng 4 2017 lúc 16:58
(* Date & Time: 13/01/13 01:37am Author: NV Nhan *) Program doingay_calender; Uses Crt; {Unit} Type kq=string[25]; Var cont: char; {Variable to repeat program} d, m, y, j, k: integer; Function doithu(d, m, y: integer):kq; {Ham nay tra ve thu cua ngay can xem} Const ngaythang: array[0..11] of integer = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); Var tong, i: integer; Begin tong := (y-1)*365 + (y-1) div 4; If (y mod 4) = 0 then ngaythang[1]:=29; {Nam nhuan} For i:=0 to m-2 do tong := tong + ngaythang[i]; tong := tong+d; {tong so ngay tu 01/01/01 den dd/mm/yyyy} Case (tong mod 7) of 0: doithu:='Thu Bay'; 1: doithu:='Chu Nhat'; 2: doithu:='Thu Hai'; 3: doithu:='Thu Ba'; 4: doithu:='Thu Tu'; 5: doithu:='Thu Nam'; 6: doithu:='Thu Sau'; End; {End case} End; {End function} Function doingayi(d, m, y:integer):integer; {Ham nay tra ve 1 so: neu la t2 thi tra ve 0, t3 thi tra ve 1...} Const ngaythang: array[0..11] of integer = (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); Var tong, i: integer; Begin tong := (y-1)*365 + (y-1) div 4; If (y mod 4) = 0 then ngaythang[1]:=29; {Nam nhuan} For i:=0 to m-2 do tong := tong + ngaythang[i]; tong := tong+d; {tong so ngay tu 01/01/01 den dd/mm/yyyy} Case (tong mod 7) of 2: doingayi:=0; {Monday} 3: doingayi:=1; 4: doingayi:=2; 5: doingayi:=3; 6: doingayi:=4; 0: doingayi:=5; 1: doingayi:=6; {Sunday} End; {End case} End; {End function} Function max_day(m, y:integer):integer; {Number day of a month in year} Begin Case m of 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12: max_day:=31; 4, 6, 9, 11: max_day:=30; 2: If y mod 4 = 0 then max_day:=29 else max_day:=28; End; {End case} End; {End function} {Main program} Begin Repeat {To repeat application until viewer press 'k'} Clrscr; {Clear screen} {Main code} gotoxy((80-length('Nhap ngay muon xem: ')) div 2, 3); {Center align} textcolor(white); {Text color} write('Nhap ngay muon xem: '); read(d, m, y); If (y<=0) or (m>12) or (m<1) or (d<1) or (d>31) or (((m=4) or (m=6) or (m=9) or (m=11)) and (d=31)) or (((y mod 4)<>0) and (m=2) and (d>28)) or ((m=2) and (d>29)) then {Dong dieu kien ghep kiem tra dung dinh dang ngay} Begin gotoxy((80-length('Nhap lai ngay thang nam!')) div 2, 5); {Center Align} textcolor(3); {Color: aqua} writeln('Nhap lai ngay thang nam!'); delay(1000); cont:='c'; End else {When date, month, year are true} Begin gotoxy((80-length('Ngay 00/00/0000 la thu xxx ')) div 2, 5); {Center Align} textcolor(2); {color: Green} write('Ngay '); If d<10 then write('0', d) else write(d); write('/'); If m<10 then write('0', m) else write(m); write('/'); write(y, ' la '); {Write Ngay xx/xx/xxx la thu xxx} textcolor(red); {Color: Red} write(doithu(d, m, y)); {In ra thu can xem} textcolor(7); {Color: Gray} writeln('.'); gotoxy((80-length('-----')) div 2, 6); write('-----'); gotoxy((80-length('Lich thang xx nam xxxx')) div 2, 7); {Center Align} writeln('Lich thang ', m, ' nam ', y); writeln; gotoxy(28, 9); textcolor(yellow); writeln(' 2 3 4 5 6 7 CN'); {Print month's calender} gotoxy(28, 11); For j:=0 to doingayi(1, m, y)-1 do write(' '); For k:=1 to max_day(m, y) do Begin If k=d then Begin textcolor(red); write(k:3); End else Begin textcolor(white); write(k:3); End; If doingayi(k, m, y)=6 then Begin writeln; writeln; write(' '); End; End; writeln; writeln; {End program and play again?} write('Muon tiep tuc nua khong? c/k '); cont:=readkey; End; Until cont='k'; {End repeat} End. {End Code}

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