Among the many special dishes in Hanoi, pho is the most popular. It is a special kind of Vietnamese soup. We can enjoy pho for all kinds of meals during the day, from breakfast to dinner, and even for a late night snack. Pho has a very special taste. The rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice. The broth for pho bo (beef noodle soup) is made by stewing the bones of cows for a long time in a large pot. The broth for another kind of pho, pho ga (chicken noodle soup) is made by stewing chicken bones. The chicken meat served with pho ga is boneless and cut into thin slices … It's so delicious! Tell me about a popular dish where you live!
1. What is the popular dish in your local area? __________________________________________________
2. When can we enjoy the dish? _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. What are the main ingredients of the dish and how is it made?
4. What do you think about the dish? ________________________________________________________
1. It is Pho. 2. We can enjoy it during the day, from breakfast to dinner, and even for a late night snack.
3. The rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice, its broth is made by stewing the bones of cows or chicken for a long time in a large pot and the chicken meat served with pho ga is boneless and cut into thin slices.
4. It is delicious.