I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others :
1. access adjust freshman disagree
2. computer printer entertain concern
3. knob post monitor positive
4. bought found without output
5. way without want wrong
6. orphanage fax assistant machine
7. volunteer customer rug introduction
8. planet electrical grocery socket
9. couch ought outgoing mountain
10. exhibition humor household helpful
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others .
1. damage revive promise bandage
2. asleep conscious sterile tissue
3. stretcher towel awake treatment
4. ambulance injection minimize handkerchief
5. happen beautiful hospital overheat
6. reuse compost fabric mixture
7. plastic reduce metal glassware
8. package explain away instead
9. mosquito recycle deposit decompose
10. natural animal afternoon vegetable
11. airport paddle rescue around
12. canoe florist luggage garden
13. water sunbathe tribal prefer
14. departure recognize waterfall institute
15. oceanic botanical destination information
16. statue prison abroad building
17. lava empire humid museum
18. include over ticket valley
19. gallery liberty souvenir prisoner
20. situate volcano wonderful sightseeing
21. council award carol mushroom
22. design custom plumber jumble
23. Christmas jolly compete teammate
24. professor separate marigold pomegranate
25. unsuitable traditional competition participate
26. canyon surround wonder ranger
27. marine jungle royal snorkel
28. relaxing vacation attraction barrier
29. heritage pyramid religious century
30. expedition magnificent original inhabitant
I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others
1. access /æ/ adjust /ə/ freshman /ə/ disagree /ə/
2. computer /ə/ printer /ə/ entertain /ə/ concern /ɜː/
3. knob /ɒ/ - /ɑː/ post /əʊ/ monitor /ɑː/ - /ɒ/ positive /ɑː/ - /ɒ/
4. bought /ɔː/ found /aʊ/ without /aʊ/ output /aʊ/
5. way /w/ without /w/ want /w/ wrong /r/
6. orphanage /ə/ fax /æ/ assistant /ə/ machine /ə/
7. volunteer /ə/ customer /ʌ/ rug /ʌ/ introduction /ʌ/
8. planet /ɪ/ electrical /ɪ/ grocery /ə/socket /ɪ/
9. couch /aʊ/ ought /ɔː/ outgoing /aʊ/ mountain /aʊ/
10. exhibition /ks/ humor /h/ household /h/ helpful /h/
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others .
1. 'damage re'vive 'promise 'bandage
2. as'leep 'conscious 'sterile 'tissue
3. 'stretcher 'towel a'wake 'treatment
4. 'ambulance in'jection 'minimize 'handkerchief
5. 'happen 'beautiful 'hospital over'heat
6. reu'se 'compost 'fabric 'mixture
7. 'plastic re'duce 'metal 'glassware
8. 'package e'xplain a'way in'stead
9. mo'squito re'cycle de'posit decom'pose
10. 'natural 'animal after'noon 'vegetable
11. 'airport 'paddle 'rescue a'round
12. ca'noe 'florist 'luggage 'garden
13. 'water 'sunbathe 'tribal pre'fer
14. de'parture 'recognize 'waterfall 'institute
15. oce'anic bo'tanical desti'nation infor'mation
16. 'statue 'prison a'broad 'building
17. 'lava 'empire 'humid mu'seum
18. in'clude 'over 'ticket 'valley
19. 'gallery 'liberty souve'nir 'prisoner
20. 'situate vol'cano 'wonderful 'sightseeing
21. 'council a'ward 'carol 'mushroom
22. de'sign 'custom 'plumber 'jumble
23. 'Christmas 'jolly com'pete 'teammate
24. pro'fessor 'separate 'marigold 'pomegranate
25. un'suitable tra'ditional compe'tition par'ticipate
26. 'canyon su'rround 'wonder 'ranger
27. ma'rine 'jungle 'royal 'snorkel
28. re'laxing va'cation a'ttraction 'barrier
29. 'heritage 'pyramid re'ligious 'century
30. expe'dition mag'nificent o'riginal in'habitant
Bài I con nên trình bày rõ ràng từ gạch chân để các bạn làm cho dễ nhé.