Read the title. What do you think the article is about?
Willie the parrot
Willie the parrot saved the life of two-year-old Hannah Kuusk. The young child was eating when something got stuck in her throat. Hannah's babysitter, Megan Howard, was in the bathroom at the time. She suddenly heard the bird screaming and making noises with its wings. “Then he started saying 'mama baby' over and over and over again until I came out” Megan said. Megan was quickly able to remove the food from Hannahs throat. Willie was the one who later received an award for saving Hannah life!
Winnie the cat
One night, a gas-powered water pump at the Keesling home began to leak. The family was sleeping. Their cat, Winnie, began to push her owners and made loud meowing sounds. Cathy Keesling woke up and was already feeling sick. lt was hard for her to wake her husband and son up because they already breathed in a large amount of gas. But thanks to their heroic cat Winnie, Keesling was able to call 911 and get help before anyone was hurt. The family says that Winnie is the one who saved their lives.
The article is about someone who saves people’s lives.
(Bài báo viết về ai đó đã cứu sống mọi người.)
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