The Festival for the Japanese baby girl named Hinamatsuri. This Festival is also known as the Japanese Hinamatsuri dolls Festival, the Japanese families usually presents measures taken the doll so beautiful do traditional style. They like the girls will grow up healthy, beautiful and intelligent. Play doll in traditional day of baby girls is derived from the Heian period (794-1185), a period in Japanese history. The Japanese ancient believes, the doll can prevent bad spirits. Earlier, they made the doll by straw and then floating the River with the desire we will bring the things not good away from the baby. It is the predecessor of today's Doll Festival. The doll was the Japanese presentation on a Crimson-colored carpet, are folded into the floor to specific rank order. However, not any family can also shop at all seven floors as the rite in the image above that is usually simplified to go, only the most basic floor gallery at the top. Hinamatsuri Doll Festival in Japan, Japanese children are enjoying typical dishes of this festival. In particular, indispensable hishi mochi-pies are made according to the diamond shape with bright colors, symbolizes the vitality of the spring. Served with crispy cakes is the mochi-hishi hina-arare is made from rice flour with more vibrant colors. One of the drink special of the day girls are shirozake wine is made from fermented rice. Also, Japanese people also eat a sushi rice, chirashizushi with many types of wines anymore, which must have live fish dishes featured. They also eat clam broth, believing that bivalve clams paired together is symbolic of the lives of happiness and harmony. Through hundreds of years of history, the Festival for girls has become a unique culture in the life of the Japanese people.