1 byte = 8 bit
1KB = 1024 Byte
1 MB= 1024 KB
1 GB= 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GB
Đổi đơn vị bé -> đơn vị lớn liền kề thì :1024
Đổi đơn vị lớn -> đơn vị bé liền kề thì x 1024
(Trừ TH đổi Byte ra bit hay đổi bit sang Byte)
var l = function() {
return [function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w) {
return ((I ^ 6) < (((I - (d = ["T", 24, 5],
6) ^ 29) < I && (I - 1 ^ 19) >= I && (Q[23](1, t) ? w = n[d[2]](6, r, X, t[d[0]]) : (F = l[25](9, t),
w = !!F && n[d[2]](2, r, X, F))),
I - 6) & 9 || (w = r instanceof Ie && r.constructor === Ie ? r.Y : "type_error:TrustedResourceUrl"),
d[1]) && 10 <= (I | 2) && Z.call(this, r),
2 > (I - 3 & 16) && 7 <= I >> 2) && (r = void 0 === r ? 1E3 : r,
X = new sj,
X.K4 = function() {
return $D(function(U, Y, p) {
return (p = h[33](31),
Y = p - U,
!p || Math.floor(Y / r)) ? (X.K4 = function() {
return 0
X.K4()) : r - Y
}, h[33](15))
w = X),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d) {
if ((I | (d = ["Y", 8, 4],
d[1])) == I)
g[d[1]](32, X, r, t);
return I - 3 >> d[2] || (F = h[20](25, r[d[0]]) + r.I[d[0]].size),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p, T) {
if (((I | 48) == (T = [32, 30, 2],
I) && (p = M[T[0]](60, function(f, S, B) {
B = [1, (S = [1E3, 1, 4],
2), 0];
switch (f.Y) {
case S[B[0]]:
U = null,
Y = B[2];
case B[1]:
if (!(Y < r)) {
f.Y = S[B[1]];
if (!(Y > B[2])) {
f.Y = 5;
return Q[B[0]](64, n[13](B[0], null, S[B[2]]), 5, f);
case 5:
return f.X = t,
Q[B[0]](33, n[39](B[0], "", "nonce", "object", X, d), F, f);
case F:
return f.return(f.I);
case t:
U = w = N[B[0]](47, f);
case r:
f.Y = B[1];
case S[B[1]]:
throw U;
I + 1 ^ 25) >= I && (I - 4 ^ 31) < I)
a: {
if ((t = n[T[2]](60, 9, X),
t.defaultView) && t.defaultView.getComputedStyle && (F = t.defaultView.getComputedStyle(X, null))) {
p = F[r] || F.getPropertyValue(r) || "";
break a
p = ""
if ((I + T[2] ^ 27) < I && (I - 8 ^ T[1]) >= I) {
for (t = (X = [],
r = 0,
void 0 === t ? 8 : t); r < t; r++)
X.push(rW() % (XU + 1) ^ h[3](T[0], XU));
p = N[7](12, g[40](7, 1, 36, X))
return p
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d) {
return ((I << 2 & ((I | 24) == (F = ["k9", 12, 13],
I) && (X.B = new FU(t < r ? 1 : t),
15) || (d = function(w, U, Y, p, T, f, S, B) {
for (w = U = (f = (S = (p = (W[33](12, (B = [null, "A", (Y = new Uj,
B[0]), 512, this[B[1]], Y, M[15](8, B[0], r)),
g[18](5, Y.Y.end(), Y),
new Uint8Array(Y.I)),
0); U < f; U++)
T = S[U],
p[B[2]](T, w),
w += T.length;
return Y.X = [p],
(I >> 2 & 15) >= F[1] && 26 > I >> 2 && r.keyCode == F[2]) && 6 == this.Y[F[0]]().length && (this.X.v7(!1),
h[15](31, !1, this, "n")),
(I | 4) >> 4) || (r = W[44](59, this),
X = W[F[1]](32, this),
t = N[29](19, this),
this.I[r] = this.u.bind(this, this.Y.Y + X, t)),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U) {
if ((I - 8 | 12) >= (U = ["H", 52, "Y"],
I) && (I + 6 & 42) < I)
switch (d = [2, 5, 1],
X.I) {
case 0:
0 != X.I ? l[4](11, d[1], X) : h[27](U[1], X[U[2]]);
case d[2]:
h[10](19, X[U[2]], 8);
case d[0]:
if (X.I != d[0])
l[4](10, d[1], X);
t = X[U[2]].Z(),
h[10](18, X[U[2]], t);
case r:
h[10](16, X[U[2]], 4);
case 3:
F = X[U[0]];
do {
if (!l[31](2, 7, !0, X))
throw Error("Unmatched start-group tag: stream EOF");
if (4 == X.I) {
if (X[U[0]] != F)
throw Error("Unmatched end-group tag");
l[4](13, d[1], X)
} while (1);
throw W[8](9, ")", X.I, X.X);
return 2 > I - 4 >> 4 && 9 <= I - 9 && (w = Object.values(window.___grecaptcha_cfg.clients).some(function(Y) {
return Y.C4 == r
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w) {
if ((d = ["handleEvent", null, 9],
I | 64) == I) {
if ("function" === typeof r)
t && (r = px(r, t));
else if (r && "function" == typeof r[d[0]])
r = px(r[d[0]], r);
throw Error("Invalid listener argument");
w = 2147483647 < Number(X) ? -1 : u.setTimeout(r, X || 0)
return ((I - d[2] ^ 30) >= I && (I + 3 ^ 24) < I && (t = r,
X.I && (t = X.I,
X.I = t.next,
t.next = r),
X.I || (X.H = r),
w = t),
(I & 46) == I && (w = "function" === typeof BigInt),
(I | 56) == I) && (F = l[12](6, 11, X),
t = n[30](34, F, YD, 10),
t || (t = new YD,
g[32](8, t, M[31](26, d[1], r), 2),
h[32](1, F, YD, 10, t)),
w = t),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d) {
return ((F = [35, 8, "o"],
I - F[1] < F[0] && 25 <= (I | 6) && (l[44](43, X[F[2]]),
X.Z = r),
I | 48) == I && (d = new fx(X,r,t,19)),
(I & 83) == I) && (t = X.eq) && (d = M[43](11, r, t)),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p, T, f, S, B) {
if ((1 > (B = [3, 40, 32],
I | 6) >> 5 && 24 <= (I | 6) && !t.F && (t.F = X,
I & 26) == I && (S = N[23](31, 5513)(N[23](31, 8147)(N[23](24, 615)(r).replace(/\s/g, "^"), /.*[<\(\^@]([^\^>\)]+)/))),
(I - 8 ^ 21) >= I && (I + 6 & 58) < I) {
for (U = (f = [].concat((T = SQ.slice(),
Y = (p = (void 0 === d ? 0 : d) % SQ.length,
N[B[1]](11, w))),
r); U < f.length; U++)
T[p] = ((T[p] << F ^ Math.pow(Y.call(f[U], r) - SQ[p], t)) + (T[p] >> t)) / SQ[p] | r,
p = (p + X) % SQ.length;
S = Math.abs(T.reduce(function(V, A) {
return V ^ A
}, r))
if (2 == (((I | 88) == I && (U = ["<\\/", ""],
n[41](B[2], X, QC) ? d = W[B[1]](2, U[0], X.U8()) : (X == r ? Y = U[1] : (X instanceof BT ? p = W[B[1]](5, U[0], N[33](29, X)) : (X instanceof BT ? F = W[B[1]](B[0], U[0], N[33](5, X)) : (X instanceof jQ ? w = W[B[1]](1, U[0], Q[1](35, X)) : (X instanceof jQ ? t = W[B[1]](4, U[0], Q[1](43, X)) : (T = String(X),
t = ZV.test(T) ? T : "zSoyz"),
w = t),
F = w),
p = F),
Y = p),
d = Y),
S = d),
I) + 9 & 7)) {
if (null == X)
throw new TypeError("The 'this' value for String.prototype." + F + " must not be null or undefined");
if (t instanceof RegExp)
throw new TypeError("First argument to String.prototype." + F + " must not be a regular expression");
S = X + r
return S
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w) {
return (((((w = [1, "beforeaction", "conf"],
I - 5 >> 4) || (this.YO = 0,
this.Y && this.Y.call(this.I)),
I - 6 << w[0] >= I && (I - 2 | 39) < I && (d = !!t.relatedTarget && N[3](w[0], w[0], r, X, t.relatedTarget, F)),
I) - w[0] ^ 17) < I && (I + 5 ^ 6) >= I && Z.call(this, r, 0, w[2]),
I) & 75) == I && (VC.call(this, r.O8),
this.type = w[1]),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p, T, f, S, B, V) {
if ((I | ((I + (B = [14, 32, 0],
9) >> 4 || (Mo ? null == r ? V = r : N[43](33, r) && ("string" === typeof r ? V = A_ ? W[13](71, B[2], r) : r : "number" === typeof r && (V = Q[25](35, B[2], r))) : V = r),
3 <= I - 3 >> 4 && 5 > (I + 4 & 8)) && (V = M[B[1]](58, function(A, L, R) {
R = [32, 0, (L = ["r", "avrt", 4],
switch (A.Y) {
case 1:
if (!d.X)
throw Error("could not contact reCAPTCHA.");
if (!d.I)
return A.return(Q[R[2]](25, F));
return Q[A.X = F,
1](R[0], d.X, L[2], A);
case L[2]:
g[48](9, (U = A.I,
R[1]), X, A);
case F:
throw N[1](13, A),
Error("could not contact reCAPTCHA.");
case X:
return f = {},
T = (f[L[1]] = d.Y,
A.X = 5,
Q[1](49, U.send(L[R[1]], T, 1E4), 7, A);
case 7:
return w = A.I,
p = new Lx(w),
S = p.H7(),
Y = p.tg(),
d.Y = M[25](26, F, p),
d.Y && S != F && S != t && 10 != S && Y ? d.H = new No(Y) : d.I = r,
A.return(Q[R[2]](21, S, p.Y()));
case 5:
throw N[1](15, A),
Error("challengeAccount request failed.");
48)) == I && r & 2)
throw Error();
if (23 > I + 3 && 6 <= (I >> 1 & B[0]))
if (t) {
if (isNaN((t = Number(t),
t)) || t < B[2])
throw Error("Bad port number " + t);
X.Z = t
} else
X.Z = r;
return V
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p, T, f) {
return ((3 == (I >> ((f = [13, 1, 2],
I - 6 | 93) < I && I - 6 << f[1] >= I && (F = X.Y,
d = [0, 3, 24],
t = X.X,
U = t[F + f[1]],
Y = t[F + d[f[1]]],
p = t[F + f[2]],
w = t[F + d[0]],
h[10](14, X, r),
T = (w << d[0] | U << 8 | p << 16 | Y << d[f[2]]) >>> d[0]),
(I | 40) == I && (this.Hn = X,
this.I = r,
this.Y = t),
f[2]) & 7) && Z.call(this, r),
I & f[0]) == I && (X = [],
r.X.aA.re.OI.forEach(function(S, B) {
S.selected && X.push(B)
T = X),
(I + 9 ^ 24) < I && (I + 5 & 26) >= I) && (T = h[32](72, X, WT, r, t)),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d) {
return (((F = [1, 10, "X"],
I + 9 >> F[0] < I) && (I + F[0] & 31) >= I && (d = t[F[2]] == X || "fullscreen" == t[F[2]] ? M[22](45, r, t.Y) : null),
I) + 5 & 3) == F[0] && (d = l[23](13, n[F[1]](F[0], n[13](84, F[0]), X), [h[13](68, r)])),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U) {
return I << 2 & ((I | (U = [3, 56, "time"],
16)) == I && (d = new DV(Q[1](U[1], t, F.Y),F.size,F.box,F[U[2]],void 0,!0),
W[32](10, !0, px(function(Y, p) {
(Y = this[p = ["backgroundPositionX", "undefined", "B"],
Y.backgroundPosition = r,
typeof Y[p[0]] != p[1]) && (Y[p[0]] = r,
Y.backgroundPositionY = r)
}, d), d, X),
w = d),
6) || (t = n[30](67, X.Y, cT, 1),
F = n[30](U[0], t, HT, r),
F || (F = new HT,
h[32](64, t, HT, r, F)),
w = F),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w) {
if ((I | 24) == (w = ["apply", 9, "patresp"],
I)) {
if (!(X instanceof r))
throw Error("Expected instanceof " + g[w[1]](2, r) + " but got " + (X && g[w[1]](1, X.constructor)));
d = X
return 4 > (I << (2 == ((I | 48) == (1 == (I + 3 & 7) && (t = N[23](25, X),
d = function() {
return qo == r ? "." : t.apply(this, arguments)
I) && (F = String.fromCharCode[w[0]](r, X),
d = t == r ? F : t + F),
I >> 1 & 27) && Z.call(this, r),
1) & 12) && -53 <= (I | 6) && Z.call(this, r, 0, w[2]),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p) {
if (8 > I >> ((p = [0, "H", "Y9"],
(I - 6 | 23) < I) && (I - 4 ^ 8) >= I && (X = [null, !1, 1],
this.N = "",
this.I = [],
this.Z = p[0],
this.K = X[1],
this[p[2]] = X[2],
this.M = X[1],
this.nE = r.nE || function() {}
this.o = p[0],
this.P = -1,
this.T = X[p[0]],
F = this,
this.EI = p[0],
this.R = -1,
this.F = p[0],
this.X = X[p[0]],
this.h0 = r.h0,
this.L = p[0],
this[p[1]] = new mj(r.RA,r.h0),
this.Bn = r.Bn,
this.mp = r.mp || X[p[0]],
this.It = $D(h[23].bind(null, 8), p[0], X[2]),
this.Qr = r.Qr || X[p[0]],
this.T9 = r.T9 || X[p[0]],
this.U = r.TR || X[p[0]],
this.we = r.we || X[1],
this.withCredentials = !r.z9,
this.RA = r.RA || X[1],
t = N[42](7, X[2], X[2], new cT),
M[40](48, 9, t, this[p[1]]),
this.B = new FU(1E4),
this.Y = new vT(this.B.k9()),
Q[15](57, this, this.Y),
d = g[8](14, this, r.qX),
N[38](25, d, this.Y, "tick", X[1], this),
this.u = new vT(6E5),
Q[15](58, this, this.u),
N[38](73, d, this.u, "tick", X[1], this),
this.we || this.u.start(),
this.RA || (N[38](89, function() {
"hidden" === document.visibilityState && F.J()
}, document, "visibilitychange"),
N[38](73, this.J, document, "pagehide", X[1], this))),
1) && I + 3 >> 3 >= p[0])
a: if (d = (F || u).document,
d.querySelector) {
if ((w = d.querySelector(t)) && (U = w[X] || w.getAttribute(X)) && yC.test(U)) {
Y = U;
break a
Y = r
} else
Y = r;
return 8 <= I - 7 && 1 > ((I | 4) & 8) && (this.Y = new ae,
this.size = p[0]),
, function(I, r, X, t, F) {
return (I ^ ((t = ["Y", 7, "altKey"],
I + t[1]) >> 1 >= I && (I + 5 & 36) < I && (this.K8 = this[t[0]] = -1,
this.H = r[t[2]]),
33)) & t[1] || (this.X = X,
this.I = !0,
this[t[0]] = r,
this.H = null),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p, T, f, S, B, V) {
if ((((I ^ (V = [2, 3, "min"],
4)) >> 4 < V[1] && 4 <= (I - 8 & 7) && this.G([this.T, this.o]),
I) & 25) == I) {
if (S = (Y = new (p = [2, (U = function(A, L) {
return L.length >= A.length ? L : A
1), 0],
N[46](4, 7)) {
for (d = (w = h[29](35, N[23](28, 8480)(r, t, function(A, L, R) {
return (R = (L = A.match(S) || [],
L).reduce(U, ""),
L.filter(function(K) {
return K.length == R.length
})).map(function(K) {
return parseInt(K.substring(1, 6), 10)
w.next()); !d.done; d = w.next())
for (F = h[29](26, d.value),
f = F.next(); !f.done; f = F.next())
T = f.value,
N[42](1, p[1], (M[22](11, p[1], Y) || p[V[0]]) + p[1], Y),
W[42](10, V[1], Math.max(M[22](27, V[1], Y) || p[V[0]], T), Y),
M[6](12, p[0], Y, Math[V[2]](M[22](51, p[0], Y) || T, T)),
n[30](25, 4, (M[22](19, 4, Y) || p[V[0]]) + T, Y);
M[22](27, p[1], Y) && n[30](9, 4, Math.floor(M[22](35, 4, Y) / M[22](11, p[1], Y)), Y)
B = N[27](8, Y)
return (I | 24) == I && (B = (new GG(N[34](80, r))).H),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w) {
return (I << 2 & ((w = [8, 7, "PA"],
(I + w[1] & 60) >= I && (I - w[1] | 39) < I && r) && r.parentNode && r.parentNode.removeChild(r),
w[0])) < w[0] && 2 <= (I << 1 & w[1]) && (this.c7 = void 0 === t ? null : t,
this[w[2]] = void 0 === F ? !1 : F,
this.Y = void 0 === X ? null : X,
this.I = r),
, function(I, r, X, t, F, d, w, U, Y, p, T) {
return I - ((I + 2 ^ 31) < (18 > (I ^ (T = [0, 11, 34],
23)) && 2 <= (I + 4 & 6) && (w = void 0 === w ? !0 : w,
p = M[32](63, function(f) {
return Y = t.X.then(function(S, B, V) {
return PT(W[V = this,
20](43), l[0](71), void 0, S).then(function(A, L, R, K, k, b, c, D) {
return ((b = A[(R = (K = g[48]((D = ["y$", "send", "Y"],
L = B[D[1]],
16), 0, V[D[2]], F),
n[13](29, 0, V.I)),
F) && I2[D[0]]()in F ? k = !!F[I2[D[0]]()] : k = (c = V[D[2]].get(I2)) ? !("0" === c || 0 === c || !1 === c || "false" === c) : !1,
L).call(B, X, new sP(k,R,b,K), d)
.bind(t, N[U = function(S, B) {
B = ["error", 9, !0],
t.Y.has(Ej) ? W[10](B[1], t.Y, Ej, B[2])(S) : S && w && console[B[0]](S)
f.return(Y.then(function(S) {
if (S) {
if (S.error)
throw U(S.error),
return (t.M(S),
return r
}, function(S, B, V, A) {
if ((V = (B = [(A = [0, 1, "random"],
.9), "Challenge cancelled by user.", 3],
S && (S.stack || S == B[A[1]]))) && .001 > Math[A[2]]() || !V && Math[A[2]]() < B[A[0]])
return N[32](8, A[0], A[1], B[2], 4, S, t);
throw S;
I) && (I - 5 ^ 19) >= I && $f.call(this, 779, T[1]),
6) << 1 < I && (I + 2 ^