Unit 2 : Personal information


1.what do you do to keep fit and stay healthy ?

2.what kind of music or art do you know ?

3.what is you farvorite food or drink do you like/? and talk about hơw to make/?

6 tháng 12 2017 lúc 22:38


The health is very important with our life. Many people said that " Having a good health is having every things". And the truth, if you haven't got a good health, you will not have perfect happiness in family, life and career. So that, It's necessary to keep your fit.
There are hundreds of thousands of way for you keep your fit. But in my opinion, you can notice some following point:
+ You should do morning exercises or play sport as ride bicycle in fresh air. Riding bicycle helps to reduces polluted environment too.
+ You should have a good diet, eat enough the nutriment. Always have breakfast ( The nutrionist proves that breakfast is the most important meal per day). You should have meal in time. The best time to have lunch is about 11am to 12am, and for dinner is about 6 to 7pm. You should eat less meat, especial beef, turkey, fork...and should eat a lot fruit and vegetable, salad, fish; should drink a lot water, about 1l to 2l per day. Don't smoke and drink strong wine.
+ You should breathe fresh air, away from polluted areas.
+ You should have sufficient sleep, at least 6 hours per day, not stay at late. I deal sleeping is about 11pm.
+ You shouldn't work too hard, reduce the pressure, prevent from stress.
+ You should keep yourself and your home, especially your room lean, tidy.
+ You should see the doctor regularly periodic examine.
If you want to live long, the most important thing is that you have to be always happy.
You should be more optimistic, cheerful, try to comfort all the time, always keep the smile on your lips. You can tell jokes, be funny.
You can get married earlier, love and be loved, devote to your happy, get a good job...
The winter is coming, you take care more for your health please! Be always strong!
Finally, I want to wish you guys all the best!
" Health to the sick, honour to the brave, success to the lover, and freedom to the slave" - the proverb of chinese.

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6 tháng 12 2017 lúc 22:46


I listen to many different genres of music.

I’ll list them going from most-listened-to to least-listened-to.


Some of my favourite bands are Radiohead, U2, Muse and Elbow.


I love Mumford & Sons and The Lumineers


Not sure if film/game scores come under this list, but that’s what I mean. I love Hans Zimmer’s compositions, and my absolute most favourite video game theme would have to be Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. [1]


I listen to a lot of Daft Punk, I like TheFatRat and some of other stuff.

I also listen to some Pop, some Indie bands and a bit of Rap too.

Here’s a list of some bands that I haven’t mentioned here that I listen to often.

Of Monsters and Men

Arcade Fire

Gaz Coombes



Twenty One Pilots


Jamie xx




Lucky Chops

Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

Snow Patrol

One Republic

Kings of Leon


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6 tháng 12 2017 lúc 22:50

I love food. Food is great to eat. One time I went to sizzler and I found twenty bucks on the seat. I told my mom and she told me to keep it. That’s why I love food.

Pizza is the best of all. I love the cheese and it tastes good. Sometimes I like to go jogging too. I used to run like twenty, thirty miles a day, every day. I was a very good runner. When you run you gotta eat so I eat pizza because it tastes great after a nice long jog and it hits the spot and you don’t ever wanna go to Mario’s pizza in queens cause he can’t make it good. You should go to Mama’s pizza parlor, they make it pretty sweet. And they have a jukebox too which is nice. One time I was in Florida and I was at a diner with my friend Pete and we were eatin pizza but they had a jukebox and I put a quarter in and pressed the button to play some Eminem but it didn’t work so I gave it a couple of taps and still it didn’t work. It didn’t even give me my quarter back so then my friend Pete WHACKS it and the whole thing tipped over and the waitress came over and yelled at us and told us to we were going to have to pay for it but I was like, ‘no way!’ So we just ran outta there. I think they called the police but it doesn’t matter because I don’t live anywhere near Florida so they’ll never find me.

Another reason why I love pizza is because it reminds me of my brother. One time my brother and me went to the movies to go see this horror movie and these two girls in front of us kept screaming and getting scared so my brother took some gummy worms and dropped then onto the girl’s heads and they were screaming so loud. I think pizza is the best food in the world.

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20 tháng 1 2018 lúc 17:32

1.Today I would like to tell you about some health tips: to keep fit and stay in shape I think you should have a balance diet.You should eat more fruit and vegetables.You should eat less junk food.You should do more exercise, go outside to play sports such as: badminton, football, basketball,...everyday.You should get enough sleep.You should wash you hands more.You should drink lots of water.You should watch less TV.You should relax after a hard - working day.

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