
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

Yes, I am busy over the next few days. Tomorrow, I have midterm Math and English exams. The day after, I have a workshop after-school and in the afternoon I have a piano class. On the weekend, I have a picnic with my class.

Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

1. crazy
2. fun
3. earlier
4. on time
5. new 

Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

You’ve got a (1) busy day ahead.

Don’t forget you’ve got a (2) meeting this afternoon.

I have (3) auditions for the new show today, remember?

Can you remind me to tell him (4) about the new plans, too?

Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

1. history homework

You've got your history homework this evening, remember?

2. guitar lesson

You've got your guitar lesson this Saturday morning, remember?

3. help with dinner

Remind me to help with dinner.

4. go to bed on time

Don't forget you've got to go to bed on time.

Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng
Hướng dẫn giải Thảo luận (1)

Student A: Tell Student B about everything you have to do today: exams, then a football match.

A: Hello B. You've got a busy day ahead. Don't forget you've got an exam this afternoon.

B: Yes, I know. I'll be on time.

A: You also have a football match this evening, remember?

B: I almost forgot. Remind me again when I finish my exam.

Student B: Listen to Student A talking about his / her plans. Remind him / her that there is an end-of-term party after the exams this evening.

A: I've got a busy day ahead. I'm going to go to the football club to try our new uniform and then I have to study for the exam.

B: Don't forget you've got an end-of-term party after the exams this evening.

A: Sure, I almost forgor. Thanks for reminding me.

Trả lời bởi Nguyễn Việt Dũng